
Orientation in Washington D.C is going great. I’m meeting a lot of amazing friends, many who I will be traveling with over my 10-day free time. We’re doing long hours right now, and my brain is fried, but I’m learning some great things. Today I taught a workshop on photography composition for all IFYEs, that was really fun. 

I’m also starting to get very nervous; I’ve had what the past IFYEs call “the moment” when it hits you what’s actually about to happen. My moment hit me during the opening credits of Top Gun Maverick tonight, lol. My roommate is an inbound IFYE to North Dakota from Switzerland. She has given me some great pointers and is helping calm my nerves. Only 2 days until my plane leaves for Zürich! 

 New friends from L to R: Marit, Josie, Sarah, Sophie, Christiane (Austria), and Rachel

Practicing listening to understand, not to respond. 


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