Swiss IFYE Incoming Weekend

I just got back today from incoming weekend for all the IFYEs who will be in Switzerland this year. There are 6 of us. Dexter and I from the USA, Bler and Hector from Costa Rica, and Tadej and Mateja from Slovenia. We got together on Friday to do a walking tour of Bern. We started with a picnic lunch, then we climbed to the top of the Bern Münster, saw the Bern bears, and went to get a good Swiss beer. Most of the day it poured rain on us. After Bern we headed to our cabin for some workshops. 

On Saturday we got up early for a hike through some vineyards in Murten. It was beautiful, and the views were well worth the stairs. 
2022 incoming Switzerland IFYE's from L to R: Mateja, Dexter, Tadej, me, Hector, and Bler

Dexter and I with the Switzerland flag.

We then visited the city of Murten, which is a historic city, that still has its guard wall. The history was great, and we got to try Swiss wine. 

As if this wasn’t enough, we ended the night at a yodel competition and festival in Ins. This was super cool because most people wore their traditional Swiss dress. We heard alp horns and drank some good beers and a shot called sour toung.

To end the weekend, on Sunday we had a BBQ with our host families and headed home.

The Switzerland IFYE flag translates to "travel a different way"
The big loaf of bread is Sunday bread, which most families have weekly, on Sunday.


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